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Trade Transactions
(8 APIs included)

This product provides APIs to initiate direct import payments and monitor the status of the transaction.

(2 APIs included)

Banking services as APIs for corporate customer.

|Direct Debit Mandate Registration| Corporate calls this API and send axis bank customer’s account information for validation, on successful validation, OTP is triggered to registered mobile number with us. |
|OTP Based Mandate Registration| OTP is entered on corporate interface and sent back to bank via API for validation. On successful OTP validation, mandate is created in mandate management module and success response is sent to corporate interface. |

Trade Inquiries
(17 APIs included)

Offering a comprehensive suite of APIs for our trade customers.
Enables to do the enquiry and raise Trade transactions on the go. A simple integration with the clients ERP which is end to end digital and offers a range of APIs to configure and use. Easing out your business to provide the latest offering of our Trade APIs, a tailor-made product as per your convenience. A simple yet powerful business tool.
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