PayVantage 2.0 7 APIs
PayVantage 2.0 is an advanced module to enable corporate aggregators/partners to use Axis Bank APIs securely.
Payvantage 2.0 request/response are encrypted in higher environments
Encryption Sample Code:
const jose = require('jose'); const { axisPrivateKey, axisPublicCert, clientPrivateKey, clientPublicCert } = require('./keys') async function joseJWEEnc(){ try { const algorithm = 'RS256' const _axisPublicCert = await jose.importX509(axisPublicCert, algorithm) const _clientPrivateKey = await jose.importPKCS8(clientPrivateKey, algorithm) //used only pkc8 key, pkc1 key wont work const jwe = await new jose.CompactEncrypt( new TextEncoder().encode( JSON.stringify(datatobeenc) ) ).setProtectedHeader({ alg: 'RSA-OAEP-256', enc: 'A256GCM' }).encrypt(_axisPublicCert) const jws = await new jose.CompactSign( new TextEncoder().encode( jwe ) ).setProtectedHeader({ alg: algorithm }).sign(_clientPrivateKey) return jws } catch(ex) { console.log('error while encryption - ', ex) } } (async ()=>{ console.log(await joseJWEEnc()); })()
Decryption Sample Code:
const jose = require('jose'); const { axisPrivateKey, axisPublicCert, clientPrivateKey, clientPublicCert, gPrivateKey, gPublicCert } = require('./keys') const algorithm = 'RS256' async function joseJWEDec(encString){ try{ const _clientPublicCert = await jose.importX509(clientPublicCert, algorithm) const _axisPrivateKey = await jose.importPKCS8(axisPrivateKey, algorithm) //used only pkc8 key, pkc1 key wont work const { payload, protectedHeader } = await jose.compactVerify(encString, _pvPublicCert) const { plaintext } = await jose.compactDecrypt(new TextDecoder().decode(payload), _axisPrivateKey) var decryptedString=new TextDecoder().decode(plaintext); return decryptedString } catch(ex){ console.log('error while decryption - ', ex) } } (async()=>{ console.log(await joseJWEDec()) })()
This API is used for adding a beneficiary for single payment.
This API submits the request for a Cheque book to CBS for the provided account ID.
This API is used for fetch the beneficiary list of With-in Bank and Other Bank.
This operation fetches the balance for different balance types for the provided account number.
This API is used for IFSC code validation is required in other bank beneficiary addition process.
This API fetches the mini statement for the provided account number