PayBill (Post Payment details)




This API posts a payment request through NPCI to BOU when the money due against a particular bill has been collected by the AI. Payment request and Payment response covered in the API.

POST /bbps/bills/payment/request

This API posts a payment request through NPCI to BOU when the money due against a particular bill has been collected by the AI. Payment request and Payment response covered in the API.

200 - OK
{ []
Required: data,success,traceId
data: ▼ { []
Required: refId
refId: string
example: HENSVVR4QOS7X1UGPY7JGUV444P10102202
success: boolean
example: true
traceId: string
example: HENSVVR4QOS7X1UGPY7JGUV444P10461713
400 - Bad request
{ []
Required: error,success,traceId
error: ▼ { []
Required: code,message
message: string
example: Input is invalid
code: string
example: validation-error
success: boolean
traceId: string
example: C3SFG0O6N88R6UI7EQ
500 - Bad request
{ []
Required: error,success,traceId
error: ▼ { []
Required: code,message
message: string
example: Input is invalid
code: string
example: validation-error
success: boolean
traceId: string
example: C3SFG0O6N88R6UI7EQ
Header parameters


Partner ID
Body parameters

body *

 { []
Required: paymentDetails
biller: ▼ { []
Required: id
id: [] string
example: MAHI00000NATIC
customer: ▼ { []
Required: billParameters,mobile
billParameters: [] []
mobile: [] string
example: 9481773053
paymentDetails: ▼ { []
Required: amount,mode,paymentRefId,timestamp
amount: [] integer
mode: string
example: Internet Banking
paymentParams: [] []
paymentRefId: string
example: BD019181220291
timestamp: string
example: 2020-12-12T07:42:00Z
refId: ▼ [] string
BBPS Reference ID
example: HENSVVR4QOS7X1UGPY7JGUV444P10102202
agent: ▼ { []
Required: channel,id
terminalId: [] string
example: 6000011234
geocode: [] string
example: 19.0139,72.8254
imei: [] string
example: 123456789012345
mac: [] string
example: 48-4D-7E-CB-DB-6F
os: [] string
example: iOS
ip: [] string
mobile: [] string
example: 9481773053
postalCode: [] string
example: 600001
app: [] string
example: SmartPay
channel: [] string
example: INT
id: [] string
example: AX01AI06512391457204
ifsc: [] string
example: ICIC0000152
Usage and SDK Samples
curl -X POST\
-H "Accept: application/json"\
-H "Content-Type: application/json"\
Axis Aha!